Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Matches, Matches, Matches!

My mom always told me not to play with matches when I was a little boy. I took her advice back then because she knew better and I didn't want to start a fire in the house.

If only my mom coud see me now. I am a big fan of matches. This weekend we as an agency had five families and birth mothers matched for adoption. If you ask me there is a fire going on in our house and we couldn't be happier.

Our birth mother program is continuing to grow at a very steady rate and our families are reaping the rewards of the growth. With over 60 active birth mothers on any given day and up to 15 new calls a day our birth mother intake team is working very hard to keep up with the demand.

If you are a prospective family that would lke to know more about our program please give Dave Williams a call at 801-473-9350 and he will glad to discuss your options with you.

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