Over the next two weeks our agency will under go some personnel changes. We will be losing two valued members of our team and we wanted to thank them for their hard work, dedication and friendship before they move on.

Brittany who has been the voice and the face of the agency for the last year after changing positions in January has a new opportunity down south. Natalie who is our new family worker and for many of you has been helping you organize your paperwork and get you ready for the home study process has a new opportunity closer to home that she will be excepting. We are sad to see them go, they have been an integral part of the agency and they will be missed. We wish them luck with their new positions and are excited for them.
Because of these changes we want to welcome a new member of our team.
Liliana Olvera will soon be taking over Brittany's position and will be working in the front office. She will also be assisting new families with their paperwork. We are excited to work with her and want to officially welcome her to our adoption team.
Our program has also undergone some new changes in the last year due to several factors. We are excited about these new challenges and hope these new changes will only enhance the services we offer our birth mother and our adoptive family programs.